The Cupboard Was Bare

By Belinda

Susan left this comment yesterday on my post about Sunday:
"...Sounds blissful. One day I'll describe one of our Sunday get-togethers... on second thought, naw, this blog is supposed to be inspiring!"

Well, I confess that I didn't tell the whole story.

It was around 5.00 o'clock in the afternoon when the roast pork, vegetables and strawberry rhubarb pie wore off for our daughter-in-law Sue and she began a search for food.

Junk food.

We don't have junk food. This has something to do with being food junkies.

We do have a snack cupboard but it is filled with things like wholewheat crackers, almonds, trail mix, dried apricots, high fibre cookies and ladyfingers. This was not what Sue was looking for.

We used to have containers full of miniature candy bars "for the grandchildren," but it was "the grandparents" who ate most of them.

There is no justice. We semi-recovering foodaholics with the healthy snack cupboard have a long way to go before we are as trim as the rail thin Sue, who turned our house upside down looking for something to  feed her sweet tooth.

In desperation she tried a lady finger. She took a bite. It did not hit the spot. In disgust she called them,"Sugar coated styrofoam sticks."

Our littlest granddaughter tried one. She handed it back to me. "I don't like it," she said.

I thought, "Hmmm, like mother, like daughter," and started munching. No need to waste a perfectly good ladyfinger.

"I licked all the sugar off," she said.

Sue found a bag of pretzels in the cupboard in Paul's office. It was open but had been neatly folded and clipped shut. She should never have checked the best before date. Or perhaps she should have, before trying them. I tried to calm her down. 2008 is not that long ago. No need to over react.

Peter saved the day somewhat by proving that she was reading the date incorrectly but there was no getting around the fact that the stale pretzels remained stale.

It was all downhill from there.

Just Sunday. Just Sabbath. Just wonderful.

Same day. Different perspective. :)


Gosh you've got to teach Sue that where ever there is a bowl of sugar a bottle of cinnamon and a slice of hot buttered toast, you have dessert. Skinny people have no imagination!
Belinda said…
Oh, no, this was an idea that I did not need.:) But mmmmmm, it sounds very good and I am tempted to try it for cell group one night. Dessert? Toast! :)
Surely you've had cinnamon toast!! Surely!!
anonymous said…
Oh, cinnamon toast is the supreme answer to all life's ills!!!!
Belinda said…
I have never had it. But I think that I shall! Especially if it is The Supreme Answer to All of Life's Ills.:)
OK, Belinda, we have to fix this. Here's a recipe ... ... I've never done it under the broiler, I just make buttered toast and thens sprinkle it on ... but hey there are a million ways to happiness. I'll bet if you did surprise your cell group with it. They'd all have a cinnamon toast story or memory. You must email me after trying!
Belinda said…
Ha ha! We really shall have toast on Thursday. It sounds scrumptious. I can't wait. There goes my waistline! :) Bring on the butter and sugar. :)

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