Gratitude for Those Who Pray

holy experience

By Belinda
I wrote last Tuesday about my experience of peace in the midst of a storm back in 1984, when I knew instantly that someone was praying and felt flooded with peace.

I just had another such experience. I shouldn't have had the peace I felt all week, but it was there in every moment, every conversation, even beneath deep grieving over something very hard.

On Thursday evening I stopped at the post office to pick up our mail on the way home from work. I didn't have time to look at it when I got home because it was cell group evening so I put the pile of envelopes on top of the fridge to look at later. I got busy making coffee, setting the table and preparing supper and then the house filled with people.

I forgot about the mail until the next evening, when I noticed the edges of the envelopes sticking out over the top of the fridge. Among the routine mail--bills and flyers--was a rare thing, a hand addressed envelope. My curiosity was stirred by the sender's address label, which said North Bay, a city a couple of hundred kilometers from where we live.

Opening the envelope I found a card with a beautiful painting of a lion's head and inside, a message of encouragement from someone whose name I did not immediately recognize.

A little detective work on my part led me to discover that the sender was a fellow member of The Word Guild. I just had to know what prompted her to send the card, so I emailed her and asked. This is what she wrote back:

It is a little difficult to say no to the nudges of the Holy Spirit! :)
And as I was praying for the TWG members, your name leapt off the page. So much so that until I found one of my old watercolor/cards and began writing He wouldn't release me. I count it a honor and privilege to be a part of your journey through prayer.
Standing guard for you.

I am so grateful for the Holy Spirit who works mysteriously to prompt prayer; for the faithful prayer warriors of The Word Guild prayer team; and for all those whose special ministry it is to pray.

More things are wrought by prayer Than this world dreams of. - Tennyson


Marilyn Yocum said…
Yes indeed! I'm so glad you shared this.
And I like that it was writing she absolutely HAD to do!

There is NO social networking tool yet invented that is quite like the Holy Spirit's network, transporting information where it needs to go. He transported your need to her, causing her to pray, and then rendered an irresistable nudge for her to communicate with you, which reaffirmed your faith in His watchful eye and care, and now, by your following through and writing, it ripples out to all of us. (I've probably missed a few links in there, but marvelous!
Belinda said…
Amen, dear Marilyn; and in today's Daily Light--Matthew 13:11:
These things God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God. :)
Anonymous said…
How lovely, Belinda!
Please know that you offered a similar encouragement to me this week, through a note you sent. Thank you for being that kind of person - the kind that takes the time to encourage. It meant more than these words can say.
Belinda said…
Patricia: The Body--every joint supplying! Praise God for the perfect symphony when every part is played to the conductor of the Holy Spirit.
A beautiful story, Belinda. And I love that Tennyson quote at the end of your post.

Thanks for commenting on my guest post over at Jumping Tandem today. I'm so glad I stopped by here (and I love your photos on your other blog, too!).

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