Passing the Baton

By Belinda

Our big family Christmas celebration is yet to come; on Boxing Day--our tradition. I spent Christmas Day preparing food, cleaning the house and wrapping the last presents.

Now, at the end of the day, with a cup of tea at hand, I can finally relax. I yawn and listen to the wind battering the house and the rain coming in occasional gusts, while munching on Godiva chocolate!

Brenda just came home with her girls from a party and said, "The pies were well received."

"People said that the pastry was fabulous. I told them--'Not as good as my Mom's.'"

Perhaps--but next time it will be just as good. This was Brenda's first attempt after all!

It was early December when Brenda said she wanted to learn how to make apple pie. On December 12th made pie together--4 each. Brenda baked two of hers and we froze the rest for Christmas.

It was so much fun working in the kitchen together that we've decided to spend the second Saturday of each month baking or cooking. It's something I look forward to--laughing and talking with my daughter, while producing something delicious to share with others.

I laughed at Brenda's perfectly manicured hands, gingerly unwrapping the packet of shortening!

Now that's more like it!

Nearly there.
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The fruits of Brenda's labours! She was exhausted by the end of our baking session. It was quite ambitious to start out by making four pies at once and that meant peeling 8 pounds of apples each, as well as making quite a pile of pastry.

Mum really didn't enjoy cooking or baking but she could make a delicious apple pie. Hers were made in an enamel pie plate. Apple sauce filled golden, crunchy pastry and it was all topped with home made custard.

Making apple pies is a connection with her. Now I feel as though I just passed the baton.


Anonymous said…
Maybe I should hire Brenda to make my pastry. Looks good!

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