Wonderful Merciful Saviour

By Belinda

How it happens I know not, except that it is God.

Two days ago, words sparred; hearts jarred.

We pressed on and in and through to almost-understanding, letting the Holy Spirit guide us back when fleshiness rose up.

When we hung up and said goodbye, all placed in God's hands; peace was settling in.

He would show us truth; we rested our hearts in that knowledge.

And oh, how he did.

Tonight another call. Laughter as we shared excitement at the revelation. "The holy pages have been rustling ever since we talked," she said. Mine too!

"I see it everywhere I turn," this truth that God is revealing.

"This thing I didn't see, this lie believed, kept me bound in defeat. Now I hope for true freedom."

Me too! Me too!

We laugh with joy and wonder. Suddenly it seems so very clear. Of course, the Holy Spirit leads us into all truth.


Marilyn said…
Reconciliation is a divine work. Loved your sharing this! I love that the two parties could agree to trust God to shine a light, mend the tear. It takes a lot to surrender the need to be right, to stop arm-wrestling for that blue ribbon. Instead, to wait expectantly for God to speak something into the torn place.

He can and He will. Thanks for the encouraging reminder!
Unknown said…
Hi from a pagan.
Kristin said…
I'm glad your faith carried you through this situation.
Rose's Daughter said…
Be blessed!


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