Molson's a Daddy!

By Belinda

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It was on July 15th that I wrote about Molson’s Big Adventure --his first venture into the stud dog world. I was ridiculously excited about the whole thing because he was needed when I was looking after him for Brenda while she was away at the cottage.

Why was I so excited? You might well ask. Well, anyone who reads this blog for any length of time will know that I love that dog to bits. He is the most gentle, meek, noble, beast.

His mission was to sire a litter of puppies for an organization named COPE, which stands for Canine Opportunity People Empowerment. They train service dogs, and I could think of no better dog to serve as a potential daddy for such a purpose.

When Molson came home once "the deed" was done, it had not gone totally smoothly so there was some uncertainty about the outcome. We all forgot about it until yesterday, when Brenda called me at work and told me to check my email. There was a message she had forwarded from Sherri, the kennel owner, and it said:

Brenda, Molson is a Daddy!!! 10 beauties, 7 boys and 3 girls.

You can check out the Birth Announcement and photo of the puppies on the Cope website. They are adorable. I hear they would like to talk to me about writing some stories for them. That would be such an honour.

Tonight we walked through the twilight. A football shaped moon shone down on us. On the home stretch he looked up at me, making eye contact and "smiling." I ruffled the hair on the top of his head and told him, "Good dog."

You did good Molson. Yes, you did good!


Guess what, we are going to contact C.O.P.E. about us getting an assistance dog. I was on their site and they have dogs available. I need a dog. It seems like a match made in heaven. If we get one of Molson's puppies we'll be able to tell it the story of a strange blond woman, a story night and ...
Marilyn said…
Hahahaha. LOVE this!
Belinda said…
Oh my goodness, DAVE!!! No way!!! I am SOOOO excited! Too excited for words. YOU get one of THOSE precious puppies. Yaaaah!!! Woo hoo. The legend continues. "Son of Molson." :)
Susan said…
:) Thanks for making my day you guys...
Deidra said…

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