Secret Admirer

By Belinda
A secret admirer--that's what I was when I took the two pictures of a very young Paul. He was just 19 then, and working on a church we were building in Redditch. Note, I only took photos of his back. I was much too shy to boldly take one from the front. And he had no idea how besotted with him I was.

I still love taking photos when he isn't looking, like the one of him above, digging in the garden with our granddaughter Victoria.

43 years have past since the first two photos were taken, but at 62 years old now, Paul spent this morning and several days over the past couple of weeks, working alongside a bunch of men, women and some of the youth at our church; digging, carrying bricks, and laying interlocking stone. They have been building a ramp so that the church will be accessible and a beautiful garden walled garden. Things haven't changed much in 43 years. He works hard and pushes his body beyond exhaustion when he has set his mind to a goal.

I am thankful that God saw fit all those years ago, to answer my prayers and promote me from secret admirer to wife, so that I could give up stalking him, camera in hand. I love this man who digs in the dirt with children, and who spends his life on making things better for others. Yes, I am so very grateful.


Marilyn said…
I liked this post VERY much!
Belinda said…
Thank you Marilyn. You are a great encourager.
Angcat said…
This was beautiful!

I love the picture of Paul and Victoria. There's something so special about a grandparent pouring into a child.

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