More on Adriana

Today I found in some notes from conversations with my mum, a few more details about Opoe (Adriana Paauwe, my great grandmother.)

Adriana was 18 when Oma was born in 1895, which would make the year of Adriana's birth 1877.

Mum told me that Adriana wouldn't marry Oma's father for some reason that no one knew at the time. She knew only that he was a very tall man (Adriana was quite tiny.) It was after Mum told me this that Tante Adrie confided in Mum, as I mentioned in last week's Monday post, that Adriana's reason for not marrying him was that she had been raped.

Oma spent a lot of time with her grandfather, Adriaan (I had thought his name was Cornelius, but that may have been another grandfather,)who loved her. Adriana had to work, taking in washing to support her child.

Later she had a barge and the barge was called Lena. Mum told me that when she was on the barge she didn't wear the national costume, which was her normal dress.


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