Sisters, Cousins and Conversations

We had a wonderful weekend away, my Becca and I, at Auntie Miki’s house. My sister-in-law and her two young daughters had invited us over while my brother Geoff was off gigging with his band, so we happily went.
Three girls aged 7, 8 and 9 giggled and played their way through almost 48 hours of cousinly fun. They sketched using new art supplies, swam and splashed in the back yard pool ‘til they were chilled and starving, watched movies, went for walks and whispered loudly far too late into the night.

Miki and I also had a special, sharing, sisterly time. She is not my little sister by birth, but most certainly is my sister. The word in-law just doesn’t apply for the relationship she has with our family. I couldn’t have picked a better bride for my brother if he’d asked, which of course he never would, being a guy and all. But he did bring her over to our apartment in Toronto when they were dating. We were smitten with her right from the start.
So we chatted long, staying up ‘til our usual 2am, finally settling down to sleep at about 2:30am. Tired the next day?…of course, but it was worth it.
We cover so much ground in our conversations, everything from parenting to aging parents, religious views to movies, music and what God thinks about dating and mate selection.
It’s rich conversation. I think we both leave with much to ponder and learn from each other.

Miki is a special gift to her family and ours. She is gentle, but not a push over. She is steady, but not without feelings, rich in both compassion and passion. She loves God and others, but won’t be pigeonholed and is quick to ask ‘why’. She’s a songbird who works out pain and questions on her guitar with a note pad close by. She is faithful when others walk away and I see Jesus in her.

We don’t always agree, but we grow and listen, stretch and reach for the truth of God as we share.

I’m so glad we can do this.

My long, lanky brother arrived home around 1pm on Sunday. After chatting for a bit Becca and I packed up for the long drive home. Hugs and kisses all around and we were on the road.

It was a good time, refreshing for all.

You can check out Miki on her own myspace at: (note: you can copy and paste this address to your Google list. I'm still learning how to use the 'link' feature)

Her song "Dream Lullaby" is about her children and is beautiful. The other two are love songs. Hope you check them out.

Dear Father God,
I thank you for my family, for a sister to share with this weekend, who desires to know the real truth, and who shares her gifts so liberally, who loves people so freely as they pass by her step.
Bless her and her family each day as they journey toward You. Keep them under the shadow of your wings. Strengthen her each day for the tasks you have for her and give her Your joy in all her doings.
Thank you for bringing her to us. I am so blessed.
In Jesus Name


Susan said…
I loved reading this, Ang. We already have a new daughter (and sister, and auntie), though she is not even engaged yet to my son. We're sure that's just a matter of time :) and that part is all just a formality, though, in terms of belonging here - she is already firmly a part of "us" and was from day one. But then why shouldn't she be? Even though I met her only a few months ago, I've been praying for her all her life...

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