In Celebration of Friends

By Belinda (Who has a very early start tomorrow morning and therefore is recycling this post from April 2008!) 

"Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow-ripening fruit." Aristotle

I have been enjoying a book on CD entitled The Art of Friendship, 70 Simple Rules for Making Meaningful Connections, by Roger Horchow and Sally Horchow.

In Malcolm Gladwell's, The Tipping Point, which I listened to last month, he mentioned Roger Horchow, the founder of The Horchow Collection, the first luxury mail-order-only retailer, and a Tony Award-winning Broadway producer, as an excellent example of a group of people he called "connectors." Roger is a master at maintaining a high number of relationships.

In The Art of Friendship, Roger says, "Life is too short to spend it paddling around in shallow waters." I agree!

To me, friendship is an endless voyage of discovery, an exploration of uncharted lands. There is no end to the pleasure to be found in the company of friends and any happiness is magnified many times over when shared with them.

The Art of Friendship intrigued me so much that I'm listening to it for the second time. I want to be a better friend. After all, I believe that the gift of friendship is one of the greatest joys God gives us in life.

Being close friends is not an endless bed of roses though. I sometimes wonder how my dearest friends have endured the pain that I have thoughtlessly inflicted upon them. But to love someone deeply is to let down all guard. I'm glad for the forgiveness and love of my friends at the times when they've been exposed to my worst flaws.

The friendship that inspires me most is one that existed approximately 3,000 years ago; the friendship between David, and Jonathan, the son of King Saul, written about in 1 Samuel.

Verse 1 of chapter 18 says, ...Jonathan became one in spirit with David, and he loved him as himself. And then in verses 3-4, And Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself. Jonathan took off the robe he was wearing and gave it to David, along with his tunic, and even his sword, his bow and his belt.

Friendship of that depth may make some people feel uncomfortable. It may not be often that such pure and selfless friendships happen, but where they do, I believe we should say, with apologies to the writer of the song, Some Enchanted Evening, "Once you have found it never let it go!"

I thank God for the friends he has blessed my life with. I cannot imagine life without them!


Joyful Fox said…

As I have been reading the account of David and Jonathon over the past several days in 1 Samuel, I too have been touched by the sacrificial, serving, kind, and loyal friendship between the two men. What an example to us!

I enjoyed your tribute to friendship and it was well said.

More than that I enjoy your friendship!

Thank you for loving me over the past 20 years - your kindness, sacrifices, loyalty, and truthfulness is one of the blessings in my life.

You are a great friend, not just to me but to many, I know.
Anonymous said…
THANKS, Belinda, for making me spend some moments considering the friends in my life! Also, for leading me to consider what friends I am overdue in connecting with.
Belinda said…
Dear Joyful and Marilyn,
You are both special blessings in my life. And how wonderful that the only gift we really have to bring to friendship is ourselves!
Many times in my life, I've been so thankful for my friends. One of these was when I spent a summer in Australia, far away from any of my friends, and could only email or call them once a week. They have often wowed me with what they are willing to do for me, and I only hope I can be half as good a friend to them.
Belinda said…
Well, here's to friendship Koala Bear writer!
Belinda said…
And wow, I just checked out your blog, KBW! I love it. I love the banner in the top right hand corner; "As for me and my blog, we will serve the Lord." That is my heart longing too.

I have bookmarked it and will be going back later for a visit.

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