Seven Years

Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future".

Today is my anniversary. It was seven years ago today that I started on a most unexpected, surprising and challenging adventure. I had no idea then that I would be where I am today on the journey. It was an unexpected turn, that's for sure. As I look back over those years I am amazed at the goodness of God and at the incredible, intense, and supreme joy of feeling his pleasure.

Seven years ago I started working for Christian Horizons, supporting people with developmental disabilities. I, of course, had stated many times over that I would NEVER do that. I "couldn't" do that. Hah! Sometimes I think God takes great pleasure in waiting until he hears us saying things like just so he can surprise us with a different ending than we would ever expect.

When I think about the highlights of those years, what springs to the forefront of my mind are the faces -- faces of people I have had the privilege of working with and for. How much richer my life is now because of each one of them. I have learned more, grown more and experienced more in this last seven years than I could ever, ever, ever have dreamed possible. Through it all - the challenges, the surprises, the disappointments, the joys, the failures, the opportunities, the successes, the sorrows - through it all I have learned to trust him more (oh, he is a solid Rock!), to expect more, to accept more, to hope more, to dream more, to risk more... to live more! My family, too, each in their own individual way, and as a unit, has been immeasurably enriched by all the experiences and people that have touched our lives through the ministry he has called me to through Christian Horizons. I have received far more than I could ever give. (And I am humbled by that fact!)

I'm so glad I trusted His lead and walked through that door when it opened. God is so good!

Psalm 16: 5,6 (NIV)
LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.


Belinda said…
Happy anniversary dear friend and co-worker. You have enriched our team and lives too!
Susan! I can't imagine you anywhere else doing anything else ... glad you came, glad you stayed.
Angcat said…
Congratulations and way to go Susan.
I love how He loves to surprise us with gifts we didn't even know we had.

Love Ang

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