The Blessings Continue

Faith releases the power, provision and promise of God in the present

After Brenda's conversation with the credit card company, it was only a couple of days before the lower interest rate card arrived in the mail. Before putting it into her purse, she decided to clean it out completely. Among the things that came tumbling out was a Christmas gift card for Zellers and the Bay. She checked the balance on it and found out that it was $11!

Just as she was putting the last things back into her purse, Victoria and Tiffany-Amber arrived home from school. Victoria's first words were, "Mommy--I broke my school bag!"
"Oh no!" groaned Brenda.

After piling the girls into the car, she decided to try Zellers for the school bag--thinking that The Bay would be too expensive, but there were no back packs to be found--not one! She checked out some of the bag stores in the mall, but they were all too expensive. "What am I going to do?" she thought, She had $20 in her wallet and with the weather changing and the snow melting fast, the girls needed new rubber boots too.

She found rubber boots and after buying two pairs, had $1.50 change from the $20. She decided to try The Bay--just on the off chance that they might still have school back packs. There in the far, forgotten reaches of the store, she found a pile of back packs that had not been sold, priced at $9.99. Victoria picked the one she liked and Brenda used the gift card balance to pay for it. She ended up with a balance left over of 6 cents!

Luke 1:45 (New International Version)
45 Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!"


Leann said…
O yes the blessings of the Lord for those who will trust him to keep his word.the little blessings hiden away for us by the Lord waiting for us if we let him lead us to them.
God bless my friend have a great week.

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