To Sleep--Perchance?

Today is our last day in the U.K.--Brenda and I fly home to Canada tomorrow, but my sleeping pattern has yet to become just that--a pattern!

A funny moment--on the flight over, the plane was half empty and we passengers were told to sit where-ever we chose. One man made himself totally at home. He changed into pajamas and stretched out across the five middle seats of the plane and slept soundly. In the morning he went back into the washroom and changed back into his clothes!

The first night that we were here, Brenda was exhausted, not having slept more than an hour during the flight. I, on the other hand, had fallen asleep almost immediately and dozed most of the next day. So when we went to bed at the end of our first day--an early night at 9.00 p.m., Brenda fell asleep but I was wide awake still at 2.00 a.m. I read by the light of a tiny flashlight, but eventually decided to get up and read in the bathroom. Meanwhile, Brenda woke up and needed to use the bathroom and was waiting patiently for me to emerge, eventually worrying that I might have passed out on the floor! When I decided to go back to bed and try to sleep, a relieved Brenda went to the bathroom and returned to find me eating a snack in bed (my mealtimes were mixed up too). The whole scenario struck us as so funny that when we finally turned the lights out at 3.00 a.m., the bed shook with sudden bursts of laughter every few minutes.

I gave Brenda persmission to poke me the next day, should I fall asleep. At about 6.00 p.m. I said, "Well, I haven't snoozed so far today," to which Brenda reacted with laughter--I apparently had been. A few moments later, she said to Robert, my brother, "There, Uncle Bob--look--it's Mom, "not snoozing" again!"

Our week here has flown by and we will carry many precious memories back with us tomorrow.


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