Seek Him - Find Him

Jeremiah 29:13 (New International Version)
New International Version (NIV)
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society
13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

I was sitting in my "green room," my quiet, reflecting, praying, writing space, when through the slats of the white wooden shutters on the french doors, I saw Brenda, my daughter, approaching. I'd already written the title for this morning's reflection, "Seek Him - Find Him," which was to have been a continuation of yesterday's thought, posted on the blog and sent out by email this morning.

I called out to Brenda, "I'm in here!" and she entered, her forest green "The Message/New King James" parallel version of the Bible in hand. Her eyes were bright and her face animated. She obviously had something exciting to share. I gladly switched gears and prepared to listen.

Brenda has been sailing the somewhat stormy seas of high adventure with God of late, pressing in close in a sincere effort to follow the voice of Jesus and struggling to know what it truly means to do so.

Her passion is teaching, but her contract as a Montessori teacher wasn't renewed for this coming September because she held firm to putting family first. She had determined only to be available for work during hours that enabled her to be home when her girls are.

Through a series of circumstances over the past year, she became resigned to saying goodbye, for now at least, to her beloved children at the school and the job she had poured her heart into 150%. It had been a painful process of laying down something very precious and trusting God and his leading in ever increasing measure.

One day, while driving, God had brought these words to her mind; "For I know the plans I have for you." When she got home, she asked me where they were found and I told her they were from Jeremiah 29:11. They were a comfort to her, as was Matthew 6:25-34, which speaks of how God feeds the birds and clothes the lilies and grass of the field and how we can then trust God to provide for our needs. Verse 33, especially has been meaningful to her:

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

For me there could be no greater joy than to see her seeking to apply that verse in her life, knowing the blessing that would be on her life if she held tight to it.

But today what she wanted to share was that she had read Jeremiah 29:11 in context (reading the surrounding verses, always a good thing to do). In verses 12-14 she had read:

"Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart. I will be found by you, " declares the Lord...

"So what d'ya think?" Brenda said with a smile, "Should I seek him?"

I told Brenda that I had my reflection for today, even though it wasn't the one I originally thought I'd be writing. Stay tuned for that tomorrow, unless God has other plans!

Prayer: Dear Lord, with the psalmist I say, "Your face, Lord I will seek." There is nothing and no one on earth that compares with you. You delight to make your dwelling place with us, Emmanuel. You have captured my heart! Bless Brenda and all of us whose quest is to seek you with all of our heart and to give you first place in our lives.


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