Haarlem, Heroes and a Hope

Sunshine and shadows dance on the boxes overflowing with fragrant red and green apples in our sun porch. They need to be peeled and stored away for winter pies, but I need to pick up again with our travel stories. The apples will have to wait a while... Our trip to the Netherlands and England had always been about more than seeing the sights in the two countries we visited. The art galleries; museums; music; theatre--they moved me deeply, and I celebrated sharing t heir soul shaping beauty with our three young granddaughters. But there was also a history that shaped my parents, and their histories shaped me, just as the whole generation of children born to parents just after World War 11 was shaped by its shadow. Being in the Netherlands I wanted to share that history in a redemptive way and weave threads of hope and faith into Tippy's, Tori's and Katherine's hearts. And so before we left for Europe, the process began by watching DVD's about two important pe...