Looking Backward and Forward
Fridays with Susan Do you remember my writing back in September about an encounter with God on a beach in Wilderness State Park in Michigan? I remember that night as though it was yesterday. I got up at 2:30 a.m. because I felt too wretched to be lying in bed still any longer. I made my way down to the beach in the dark and all alone, something I would never, ever ordinarily do. But whatever could happen to me down there in the dark couldn't have been worse than the darkness I was feeling in my soul that night. I remember writing about falling completely apart at God's feet and though I didn't see him coming toward me walking on the waves, or hear his voice as a whisper on the wind, I knew, knew, knew something had happened. As I got back into bed I wiped hot tears off my face and thought they might be melting icebergs. Well here I sit just three months later. It's been long enough now to be able to say defini...